Integrating Spiritual Practices into Business Management

Integrating Spiritual Practices into Business Management

Unlocking Success: Including Spiritual Practices in Management of Your Businesses

Success is frequently determined by indicators like profitability, market share, and revenue growth. But incorporating spiritual practices into management strategy is a growing trend among visionary business executives and entrepreneurs. Integrating spirituality into business management can greatly improve productivity, creativity, and overall corporate success—far from being a fad exclusive to a certain demographic.

Spiritual Practices’ Place in Business

In this sense, spirituality refers to actions and viewpoints that go beyond the physical realm and emphasize mindfulness, deeper relationships, and purpose. Although they are typically perceived as distinct from the business world, spiritual practices have significant advantages when included into day-to-day management techniques.

1. Being present and mindful

Mindfulness, or the discipline of being aware and present in the moment, is one of the pillars of spirituality. Mindfulness lowers stress and promotes clarity, which improves decision-making in a business setting. A leader who practices mindfulness is better able to handle obstacles, make wise decisions, and keep a clear head under the demands of entrepreneurship.

2. Fostering Originality and Creativity

Spiritual exercises like meditation, introspection, and intuition-based communication frequently foster creativity. The creative and innovative part of the brain, the right hemisphere, is stimulated by these activities. Businesses may come up with fresh concepts, find solutions to challenging issues, and maintain an advantage in cutthroat marketplaces by encouraging creativity.

3. Developing Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

Spiritual practices place a strong emphasis on emotional intelligence and resilience—two qualities that are critical to good leadership. Leaders may effectively handle stress, control emotions, and develop empathy for their team members by utilizing techniques such as meditation and self-reflection. The cultivation of emotional intelligence is known to generate a favourable work environment, augment teamwork, and elevate employee satisfaction, all of which are vital elements in attaining enduring corporate prosperity.

4. Matching Business Objectives with Values

Aligning personal beliefs with organizational objectives is another aspect of incorporating spiritual practices into corporate management. Stakeholders are inspired to trust and remain loyal to leaders that act with sincerity and integrity. Businesses establish a reputation for social responsibility and ethical leadership by emulating fundamental values like compassion, transparency, and ethical conduct.

5. Improving Intuition and Decision-Making

Developing intuition, or a profound understanding that goes beyond reason, is something that spiritual disciplines frequently promote. In the corporate world, intuitive decision-making enhances analytical thinking by offering deeper insights than the data at hand. Leaders who have faith in their instincts are able to take risks, grasp opportunities, and confidently negotiate ambiguity.

Case Studies: Triumphant Narratives

Many prosperous business owners and executives have included spiritual activities as essential components of their management approach. For instance, Apple’s creative culture was influenced by the tech visionary Steve Jobs, who was well-known for his mindfulness exercises and faith in intuition. In a similar vein, businesses such as Google and Salesforce integrate mindfulness and meditation into their work environments to support employee well-being and creativity.

How to Incorporate Spiritual Practices in a Practical Way

Modern organizational structures don’t have to be completely redesigned in order to incorporate spiritual practices into management. Here are some doable actions to get started:

Daily Mindfulness Rituals: To centre and focus the team, begin meetings with a little meditation or mindfulness activity.

Integrate moral principles like compassion, integrity, and environmental stewardship into corporate decisions through values-based leadership.

Encourage brainstorming sessions, retreats, or workshops that foster innovation and creativity in order to foster creative exploration.

Personal Growth Initiatives: Provide tools for meditation, introspection, and emotional health to assist staff members’ personal development.


Embracing spiritual practices into corporate management is about more than just making money; it’s about developing a leadership style that prioritizes moral behaviour, creative expression, and personal development. By adopting mindfulness practices, fostering creativity, and ensuring that actions reflect principles, organizations may realize their full potential and prosper in the ever-changing market landscape of today.

As you begin to include spiritual practices into your business endeavours, keep in mind that success is determined by more than just financial gains; it also depends on the good effects you have on your associates, stakeholders, and the larger community. Accept spirituality as a transformative catalyst, and see how your company thrives with a fresh vision and energy.


How to set up an opt-in for your business

How to set up an opt-in for your business

You’ve thought about creating an opt-in on your business to entice your target audience to sign up to your mailing list. This is a great move, whilst social media is amazing to connect with your target market, you don’t own those platforms and if they were to close down tomorrow….you will have lost all your market. Therefore, building a mailing list is a great way to target your market and keep them. Creating an opt-in, which is like a freebie, showcasing your expertise is an attraction piece to entice your audience to join your mailing list.

For many business owners this seems easy but for others who have never done it before here is a guide to help you along.


What does your audience need?

Firstly, you need to define what your opt-in is. What is something your audience wants from you?  For example; people what to know how to start working with a VA, hence this is my website opt-in ‘How to start outsourcing’.

The types of opt-ins you can have are:

  • Email series
  • Ebooks
  • Video series
  • Worksheet
  • Mini e-courses
  • First chapter free of a book you’ve written
  • Discount on a product or service


Hosting your database

You need to determine which email system you want to use to manage your database and create your newsletters from.  Your options are MailChimp, Aweber, Active Campaign, Infusionsoft, Ontraport, Contact, and there are plenty more. How to do determine which one to go with.


Creating your autoresponder

Once you have created your opt-in, determined how you will have it run and selected your database company. You will then draft your welcoming email that will accompany your opt-in enticement.

Strategy Tip:  Don’t just have your opt-in information on your email, at the end of it, add information about your other products and services. This is your opportunity to advertise your business for free!


Test your system

Once you have created everything make sure you test it so you can see what you’re audience will experience and make any necessary changes you need to.


Marketing your freebie

Now that your system is set up, start marketing it. Post enticers on your social media platforms. Use your Facebook App to add a sign up feature.

Add a Pop up on your website to ‘say hi, sign in here!’ (so to speak). Don’t assume people will easily find your sign up.  Have an embedded sign up and a pop up one, so you have double opportunities to get your audience to sign up.


Unlimited opportunities

You are never limited to having 1 opt-in, so don’t be afraid to create others. Programs like Pop Up Ally allow you to have different opt-in feature on different pages of your website.  This is through the paid feature. You can learn more here.


Feels all too hard?

Guess what? I offer this service and can do it all for you.  Feel free to contact me to find out more.

What does a virtual assistant do?

What does a virtual assistant do?

A virtual assistant is a business owner that works remotely providing services from administration through to desktop publishing and website development, to other business owners. Virtual assistants work from their homes, providing support to businesses across the world. Virtual assistants are paid generally for the time spent working for businesses, at an hourly rate or project rate.

As many business owners start to grow their business, they can find themselves at a turning point where their focus truly needs to be on the business growth and development, not being weighed down with various administration tasks or business functions that could easily be outsourced and managed by external parties, giving them back their valuable time.

A virtual assistant is a great stepping-stone for the business owner who isn’t quite ready to hire a full time or part time employee, or have the needed finances to cover overheads such as computers, wages, insurance, and so forth.

In Australia, Virtual Assistant rates range on average from $30 to $70, depending on their skill and industry knowledge and experience. In my role as a virtual assistant, I work with multiple businesses providing a range of services from administration, email/diary management, social media and online business strategies, blogging, newsletter, desktop publishing and website updates.

Virtual assistants can be hired hourly for a one off project, or for a set number of hours per week or month.  When it comes to hiring, don’t allow yourself to be blocked by the price of a virtual assistant, as it is important that your business needs are being met. It is important to know, that whilst a virtual assistant might cost $50 an hour, that task that takes you 2 hours is mostly likely going to take a virtual assistant 1 hour or less.

 Virtual assistants work remotely, and use programs such as Skype, Dropbox, project management software, to enable them to work for businesses across the globe.

Business owners can source overseas virtual assistants, which can have many pros and cons. If your business need a 24 hour service, having a virtual assistant both locally and overseas can enable you to provide a 24 hour service.  There are many programs that can be used to streamline processes between your virtual team and ensure smooth running of your business.

When you feel you are ready to bring a virtual assistant into your team, but may be unsure where to start and how to hire one.

I recommend reading the following articles:

How to start working with a virtual assistant

How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?

Then seek referrals from colleagues and friends, on virtual assistants they recommend.  Another method is to review testimonials on virtual assistant websites to see what previous clients have to say.  Be sure to talk to several virtual assistant businesses, to ensure you feel comfortable with their ability to meet your business needs and understanding.  Also, see if they offer a trial period so you can be sure it’s going to be a perfect match!

If you have any additional questions on what a virtual assistant does, please feel to connect with me. 

How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?

How can a Virtual Assistant help you in your business?

Using the services of a Virtual Assistant is a great way to focus on what you love.  You know, as business owners, how quick your day can fly by and you just never seem to have enough time.  You find yourself spending so much time doing things for your clients, that you don’t seem to have time to focus on business development.

Working with a Virtual Assistant enables you to get back your time and have the confidence in knowing your various administration tasks/projects are being taken care off, whilst you do the things you love. 

Here are some common tasks a virtual assistant can help you get started with. It is important to know that not all virtual assistants offer the same services, so don’t limit yourself to thinking you have to have just 1 virtual assistant.


Assisting you with your ‘To Do’ list.
Preparing correspondence.
Co-ordinate mail outs, both hardcopy or electronic.
Create business forms, templates and ensuring branding is consistent.
Create your stationery requirements such as letterheads, business cards, with compliment slips, flyers and brochures.
Be your sounding board for new ideas, events, products or services.
Managing your emails.
Assist with streamlining your office systems to keep you on track, organised and efficient.



Upload your blogs onto your website.
Source free images for blogs, or create original artwork.
Create pages, graphics and ‘call to action’ buttons.
Manage members.
Source guest bloggers.



Write your content.
Source or create accompany images.
Upload to your website and add in SEO components.



Attend to your customer emails.
Set up ‘canned’ responses for frequently asked questions.
Prepare an online ‘Client Questionnaire’ and review the returned results.
Undertake online research.
MailChimp e-Newsletters | Set up a template, import your list of contacts and create/compile your weekly/monthly/quarterly e-Newsletters.
Manage AWeber and Wishlist memberships, and creating newsletters.



Create invitations
Promote your special event, workshops & events.
Collate RSVPs
Setting up online ticket buying – Eventbrite / TryBooking
Coordinate with venues, suppliers on your behalf.
Preparing documentation and presentations for event.



Create your editorial calendar of content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+.
Create original branded graphics for your business.
Search for avenues to increase your followers and audience interaction.
Monitor your page and attend to any business private messages.
Create Facebook Ad campaigns.



Create a PowerPoint presentation.
Create an Excel spreadsheet for a mail-merge mail-out, reports, budgets, etc.
Create and format Manuals and Workbooks.
Format your e-book.


My role is to make your life as stress-free and efficient as possible.


Ready to explore more, contact me today.




How to clearly communicate your expectations to your Virtual Assistant

How to clearly communicate your expectations to your Virtual Assistant

I commonly hear business owners who have used virtual assistants previously before knocking on my door, mentioned how their VA went on a tangent doing things they hadn’t asked for or failing to communicate to them.

Communication is an essential tool between any business relationships.
If you have had a failed VA relationship or keen to start working with one, but not really sure on your what, who and how, here are some tips to assist you to creating the perfect relationship with your VA.

#1 Outline the task

Don’t assume they ‘get what you mean’. Be detailed in your description, the more familiar and longer they work with you, the trust will build and a clearer understanding of how you both work will develop. When starting out with a new VA, you need to be as detailed as possible, otherwise you’ll be pulling your hair out. Don’t just ‘tell them’ what you need, follow it up with an email.

You have heard people say ‘yes I got it’ and discovered they were completely off track. The English language is very interruptive. It is better if you can give examples.
More experienced VAs will know what questions they need to ask you. But newbies will need more guidance from you.

#2 Explain your preferred communication style

Having previously worked in the corporate world for Managing Directors, Chief Financial Officers and various General Managers. No two were ever the same in how they liked their work done and communicated. Some were self-sufficient, some old school and some just confused relying on me to tell them what to do.

So it’s important you advise your VA how you like to work and how you like to be kept up to date, and this should be done in your initial phone call with your potential VA. The reason is some VA prefer to work certain ways and if you’re requiring an alternative to what they prefer, then you may find your working relationship deteriorate quickly (and that is not what you want).

Types of communication streams you may prefer;

Your VA to just run with it and advise when completed, only asking questions when needed.
Communicate every step of the way so you know exactly where tasks are. You can use programs like ASANA (which is free) to help manage this, and is beneficial if your VA is working on multiple projects.Alternatively if you have multiple team members. It’s an effective communicating tool. Other alternatives are TeamWorks and BaseCamp. There are plenty of others, some free and some paid.

Communicate a strict guideline. No work is to be done ‘outside’ the specified task, unless asked first. Or that a task must be done within a certain number of hours, if they have reached those hours then to discuss with you first before proceeding any further. This is advisable especially if you are budget conscious, however a VA should advise you if the work is exceeding the perceived time.

Ways to communicate;

You can use online software programs as mentioned above, ASANA, Basecamp & Teamworks.

You may wish to have a face-to-face meeting with your VA on a regular basis, especially if you don’t want your inbox clogged. This can be done via Skype, or if the VA is local by meeting up at a location suitable to both parties. (Note expect to pay for their time and travel, as they are in fact working for you during this time.)

You may simply prefer to receive an email from them regularly on how projects are progressing.

#3 Conduct a regular review

Whilst you may feel this is tedious, it is in fact beneficial for your business. You may find your VA, or you could be, doing something that the other party doesn’t like, is confused by, or they may have a better suggestion to improve the system. Having a regular review enables both parties to highlight any concerns, praise what they love and be clear on where they’re heading. You are effectively wanting your VA to be your life long team member, so set it up correctly from the start.

#4 When communication is breaking down

Sadly, I hear this one all the time, and it does disappointment that some (not all) business owner goes sourcing other VAs without actually communicating with their current VA what their concerns are. 9 times out of 10, the VA has no idea they’re not happy.

If you are having issues with your VA, TELL THEM! Explain what your concerns are, and how you would like to see things improve. A VA is a business owner, and isn’t going to want a client being dissatisfied with their services, they are quite likely thinking you’re happy with their performance as you haven’t made them aware of your frustrations.

And of course, if their performance doesn’t improve, move on and find a VA that suits and meets your needs.

Remember, that any experience with a VA whether good or bad, is helping you in your own business identify what works and doesn’t work. No experience is ever a waste, it is educational.


If you’re ready to work with a virtual assistant, or online business manager (like me), contact me today.