The Best Canva Tips and Tricks for Beginners

The Best Canva Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Canva is a powerful, user-friendly design tool that has revolutionised how people create visual content. Whether you’re a small business owner, a social media manager, or just someone who loves designing, Canva can help you produce professional-looking graphics without needing advanced design skills. If you’re new to Canva, here are some of the best tips and tricks to get you started on your design journey.

1. Get Familiar with Canva’s Interface

Before diving into design, take a few minutes to explore Canva’s interface. Familiarise yourself with the toolbar on the left, where you can access templates, elements, text, and uploads. The top bar provides options for undoing actions, resizing designs, and accessing additional settings. Understanding the layout will help you navigate the platform more efficiently.

2. Start with Templates

One of Canva’s greatest strengths is its vast library of templates. For beginners, starting with a template can save time and provide inspiration. Whether you need a social media post, a presentation, or a flyer, there’s a template for almost everything. Choose a template that matches your needs and customize it to fit your brand.

3. Use the Search Function

Canva’s search function is a powerful tool for finding specific elements, photos, and templates. If you have a particular theme or style in mind, use keywords to search for relevant assets. This can save you time and help you find exactly what you need.

4. Learn to Use Layers

Understanding layers is crucial for effective design. In Canva, elements are stacked in layers, which you can rearrange to bring items forward or send them backward. Right-click on an element to adjust its layering. This feature is particularly useful when working with multiple design elements.

5. Utilise Grids and Frames

Grids and frames are excellent tools for organizing your design. Grids help you align elements neatly, ensuring your design is balanced. Frames allow you to insert images that fit perfectly within shapes. Drag and drop your photos into frames to create clean, professional-looking compositions.

6. Customise Colours and Fonts

Brand consistency is key, even for beginners. Customize your designs by using your brand’s colours and fonts. Canva allows you to save brand colours and upload custom fonts if you have a Canva Pro account. Consistent use of colours and fonts helps in creating a cohesive brand identity.

7. Experiment with Transparency

Adding transparency to elements can create a stylish, layered look. Select the element you want to adjust and use the transparency slider in the top-right corner to make it more see-through. This is especially useful for backgrounds or overlays.

8. Group Elements for Easier Editing

When working with multiple elements, grouping them can simplify the editing process. Select the elements you want to group, right-click, and choose “Group.” This way, you can move and resize them together without disrupting the layout.

9. Take Advantage of Canva’s Design School

Canva offers a wealth of educational resources through its Design School. From beginner tutorials to advanced design tips, you can find video lessons and articles to enhance your design skills. Spending some time in Design School can pay off significantly in improving your designs.

10. Save Your Work in Folders

As you create more designs, keeping them organized becomes important. Canva allows you to save your designs in folders. Use folders to categorise your work, making it easier to find and manage your projects later.

11. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can speed up your design process. Here are a few useful ones:

  • Ctrl/Cmd + D: Duplicate an element
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z: Redo
  • Ctrl/Cmd + A: Select all elements
  • Ctrl/Cmd + G: Group selected elements
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G: Ungroup selected elements

12. Export in the Right Format

When your design is ready, export it in the appropriate format. Canva offers various export options, including PNG, JPG, PDF, and more. For web use, PNG is often the best choice for its quality. For print, use PDF to maintain resolution and clarity.

With these tips and tricks, you’re well on your way to becoming a Canva pro. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting with different features and styles. Canva’s intuitive interface and vast resources make it an excellent tool for beginners looking to create stunning designs. Happy designing!

10 Tiny Tweaks That Will Totally Transform Your Customer Journey

10 Tiny Tweaks That Will Totally Transform Your Customer Journey

The smallest details can make the biggest difference in crafting a memorable customer journey. Here are ten simple yet effective ways to elevate the experience and turn casual browsers into loyal customers.

1. Personalised Greetings

Imagine logging onto a website and being greeted by name! Simple personalised touches, such as addressing customers by name in emails or when they log into your site, can make them feel valued and enhance their connection to your brand.

2. Responsive Customer Service

Quick and empathetic responses to customer enquiries or complaints can transform a potentially negative experience into a positive one. Leveraging AI chatbots for immediate replies and routing complex queries to human agents can ensure customers feel heard and supported.

3. User-Friendly Website Design

A clean, intuitive website design is crucial. Ensure that your navigation is straightforward and that key information is easy to find. Optimise for mobile use, as a significant portion of users access the internet via their smartphones.

4. Reward Loyalty

Introduce a loyalty programme that rewards repeat customers with discounts, special offers, or early access to new products. This not only encourages repeat business but also fosters a deeper brand connection.

5. Surprise and Delight

Occasionally, surprising customers with a small freebie or an unexpected upgrade can leave a lasting impression. This could be as simple as a complimentary product sample with their order or a random upgrade to expedited shipping.

6. Consistent Communication

Keep your customers in the loop with regular updates about their orders, changes to services, or upcoming promotions. Transparency builds trust, and keeping customers informed shows that you value their business.

7. Simplify the Checkout Process

A complicated checkout process can deter potential sales. Streamline the process to minimise the number of steps and reduce cart abandonment. Offer multiple payment options to cater to different preferences.

8. Solicit Feedback

Regularly ask for feedback through surveys or follow-up emails after a purchase. This not only provides you with valuable insights into how to improve but also shows customers that you are committed to meeting their needs.

9. Educational Content

Provide value beyond the sale with educational content related to your products or industry. This could be in the form of blogs, tutorials, or user guides. Educated customers are more likely to appreciate the value of your offerings.

10. Community Engagement

Create a community around your brand by encouraging customers to interact with you and each other on social media or forums. Host live events or webinars where customers can learn and share experiences.

By focusing on these small yet impactful details, businesses can significantly enhance the customer journey, turning casual interactions into lasting relationships. Remember, in the realm of customer experience, it’s often the little things that count the most!

The Basics of Understanding the Customer Journey

The Basics of Understanding the Customer Journey

When it comes to small business success, understanding the customer journey is an important necessity. Your ability to comprehend how customers interact with your brand from initial awareness to post-purchase engagement can make or break your business. In this overview, I am going to explain the fundamental concepts of the customer journey and explore how small businesses can leverage this understanding to drive growth and build lasting relationships with their customers.


What is the Customer Journey?

The customer journey is the sum total of all interactions and touchpoints a customer has with your business, from the moment they become aware of your brand to their eventual purchase and beyond. It encompasses every step of the buying process, including research, consideration, decision-making, purchase, and post-purchase engagement. Visualizing the customer journey allows businesses to gain insights into how customers move through these stages and where they may encounter challenges or opportunities for improvement.


Key Stages of the Customer Journey

1. Awareness: This is the stage where a potential customer first becomes aware of your brand, product, or service. It could happen through various channels such as social media, advertising, word-of-mouth recommendations, or organic search.

2. Consideration: After becoming aware of your brand, the customer begins to consider whether your product or service meets their needs or solves their problems. They might conduct research, compare options, read reviews, and seek recommendations from peers.

3. Decision-Making: Once the customer has evaluated their options, they make a purchase decision. This could involve buying directly from your website, visiting a physical store, or making a purchase through a third-party retailer.

4. Purchase: The customer completes the transaction and acquires your product or service. This stage is crucial, but it’s not the end of the customer journey.

5. Post-Purchase Engagement: After the purchase, the customer’s journey continues. Post-purchase engagement involves providing support, gathering feedback, encouraging repeat purchases, and fostering brand loyalty.


Why Understanding the Customer Journey Matters for Small Businesses

1. Better Targeting: By understanding the customer journey, small businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to target customers at different stages of the buying process. This ensures that marketing messages are relevant and timely, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

2. Improved Customer Experience: Mapping out the customer journey allows businesses to identify pain points and areas for improvement in the customer experience. By addressing these issues, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Increased Sales and Revenue: A deeper understanding of the customer journey enables small businesses to optimize their sales process and maximize conversion rates. By providing the right information and support at each stage of the journey, businesses can guide customers towards making a purchase.

4. Enhanced Brand Loyalty: A positive customer journey fosters trust and loyalty. When customers have a seamless and enjoyable experience from awareness to post-purchase, they are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates.


Implementing a Customer Journey Strategy


1. Map Out Your Customer Journey: Start by identifying the key stages of the customer journey for your business and the touchpoints associated with each stage.

2. Gather Data: Collect data from various sources, such as customer feedback, website analytics, social media metrics, and sales data, to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

3. Analyze and Identify Pain Points: Use the data gathered to analyse the customer journey and identify pain points or areas where customers may be experiencing friction or dissatisfaction.

4. Implement Improvements: Take proactive steps to address identified pain points and improve the customer experience at every stage of the journey. This might involve refining your website, streamlining the checkout process, enhancing customer support, or optimizing marketing campaigns.

5. Monitor and Iterate: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your customer journey strategy and be prepared to iterate based on feedback and evolving customer needs.

Understanding the customer journey is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s online space. By mapping out the customer journey, identifying pain points, and implementing improvements, small businesses can enhance the customer experience, drive growth, and build lasting relationships with their customers.


How to Set Up Your Mailchimp Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Your Mailchimp Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Your Mailchimp Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting up a Mailchimp account can open up new avenues for email marketing, allowing you to engage with your audience more effectively. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you get started with Mailchimp, from creating an account to sending your first email campaign.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Mailchimp Account

  1. Visit the Mailchimp website: Go to Mailchimp’s homepage.
  2. Click on ‘Sign Up Free’: You’ll find this button on the top right corner of the homepage.
  3. Enter your email, username, and password: Follow the prompts to enter your details. Mailchimp requires a strong password, so be sure to mix upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
  4. Activate your account: Check your email for a confirmation message from Mailchimp and click the activation link provided.


Step 2: Set Up Your Profile

  1. Fill in your personal information: After activation, complete your profile by providing details like your name and contact information.
  2. Set your time zone: This ensures that your email campaigns are sent according to your local time.
  3. Add your address: Legal requirements necessitate that your physical business address is included in every email footer to comply with anti-spam laws.

Step 3: Create Your Audience

  1. Navigate to the Audience section: This can usually be found in the sidebar menu under ‘Audience’.
  2. Create an audience: If you’re new to Mailchimp, you’ll need to set up your first audience. Enter details such as the audience name and default email address.
  3. Import your contacts: If you already have an email list, you can import it via CSV file, or manually enter subscriber details.

Step 4: Customise Your Email Preferences

  1. Set up your email templates: Go to the ‘Templates’ section and choose from pre-designed templates or create your own.
  2. Personalise your template: Customise your chosen template with your brand’s logo, colours, and fonts to make your emails recognisable to your subscribers.

Step 5: Design Your First Campaign

  1. Go to the Campaigns section: Click ‘Create Campaign’.
  2. Choose your campaign type: Select ‘Email’ and then choose between a regular campaign and an automated one.
  3. Customise your campaign: Add content and design your email. You can use drag-and-drop builders, which are user-friendly even for beginners.

Step 6: Test and Send Your Campaign

  1. Preview and test: Always send a test email to yourself to check the design and content before sending it to your audience.
  2. Schedule or send your campaign: Choose ‘Send Now’ to send your email immediately or ‘Schedule’ to send it at a later time.

Step 7: Analyse the Results

  1. Check your reports: After sending your emails, monitor how they perform. Mailchimp provides detailed reports that include open rates, click rates, and subscriber activity.
  2. Adjust based on feedback: Use the insights from your reports to improve your future email campaigns.


Setting up your Mailchimp account is just the beginning of your email marketing journey. With its comprehensive set of tools and features, Mailchimp not only helps you manage your email lists and campaigns but also provides analytics that can guide your marketing strategies. Remember, the key to successful email marketing is consistency and adaptation based on recipient feedback and engagement metrics.

50 motivational quotes to kick off your Mondays

50 motivational quotes to kick off your Mondays

Suffering a bit of Monday-i-tis! Look no further here are

50 motivational quotes to kick off your Mondays!

1. “Mondays are the start of the workweek which offers new beginnings 52 times a year!” – David Dweck
2. “Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.”
3. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier, and healthier life.”
4. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand.” – Napoleon Hill
5. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.” – Ken Poirot
6. “To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.”
7. “Mondays are a lot like getting fat. They make you feel sad, sometimes angry and there is not much scope for liking either fat or Mondays for any reason.” – Garry Moll
8. “Believe on Monday the way you believe on Sunday.” – Rita Schiano
9. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
10. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
11. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
12. “Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.” – Unknown Author
13. “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer
14. “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi
15. “This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.”
16. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.” – Tom Wilson
17. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
18. “The biggest thrill wasn’t in winning on Sunday but in meeting the payroll on Monday.” – Art Rooney
19. “Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.” – Isabelle Lafleche
20. “Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has past and there are only a few more days before another weekend gets here.”
21. “The start of your week sets the tone for the rest of it. Start strong and positive!”
22. “Every Monday is a chance to start a new fabulous week. Embrace it!”
23. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain
24. “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” – Will Rogers
25. “A ship is always safe at shore but that is not what it’s built for.” – Albert Einstein
26. “The future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.” – Robert Kiyosaki
27. “The only limits you have are the limits you believe.” – Wayne Dyer
28. “Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities.” – Roy T. Bennett
29. “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson
30. “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” – Brian Tracy
31. “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John R. Wooden
32. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
33. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi
34. “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
35. “Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday.” – Ernie Els
36. “Monday won’t be so gloomy if you believe that something good is always bound to happen.”
37. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu
38. “Today, you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss
39. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
40. “Attack Monday with enthusiasm, laughter, thousands of smiles and cheerfulness.”
41. “Success means doing the best we can with what we have.” – Zig Ziglar
42. “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius
43. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll
44. “Wake up on Monday and start your day with a lot of awesomeness and you will get happiness back.”
45. “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.” – Jillian Michaels
46. “The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” – Vince Lombardi
47. “It’s Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you’re facing, it’s not permanent.”
48. “Monday is the day to be back at your passion. Turn your dreams into goals. Action them into reality.”
49. “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou
50. “Monday is a great for becoming too busy to die.” – Roy Station

Remember, motivation is what gets you started, but habit is what keeps you going. Make every Monday count!