5 items to include in your newsletter

5 items to include in your newsletter

Do you find yourself struggling to think of content for your regular newsletter to your mailing list? Do you feel like you have writers block? Do you feel like you have nothing to say?

Let me make it easier for you. 

Have you considered having a pre-set template? This is a great way to help you pre-plan your content and create your newsletter in a more timely manner. But what do incorporate?

Here are 5 items to include in your newsletters as regular content;

#1 Introduction

Always open with a brief hello and what you’re up to. Connecting with your audience is vital and sharing a little about you, makes them know you’re real and that you care about them as your audience.

Connection is the key.

TIP: Make sure you personalise the email to include their name. Small personal touches go a long way.


#2 Valuable information  

Imagine getting an email that is giving you some awesome information relevant to you. Now imagine getting an email that’s all about them and salesy. That’s right … a real turn off. Give a little to gain a little, or hopefully more.


#3 Your latest projects or blogs

Don’t always assume your audience is reading your blogs or social media post. Remember, they’ve invited you into their personal space by allow YOU to have their email address because they may not have time for social media or may not be online as often as assumed. 

Depending on the length of your blog, you may want to put the whole things in your newsletter, or insert a portion of it and link the rest back to your website.


#4 Links to other services

We often assume that everyone remembers what we do. But be honest, do you remember what everyone does? Don’t be afraid to have dedicate a section to your other services, this can be done in the form of images with the service title and of course ensure its linkable to your website where further details are.

If you have a special running, then you can dedicate this area to that. Just don’t make the whole newsletter about you, remember it’s a relationship with your target audience so a bit of give and take goes a long way.


#5 Bio

In the footer of your newsletter you can have your social media platform linked and why not add a photo of you and a short paragraph blurb about who and what you do (another refresher for your audience).

TIP: Use a professional headshot, it’s the best investment you’ll make. 


#6 But I sell products not services

If you’re a retail product selling business, then you may have heard the term ‘picture tells a thousand words’. Use images of your products in your newsletter. You may have a product you’re wanting to move the last stock items off, so promote it in your newsletter, say something like ‘whilst stock lasts’ or ‘limited stock left, don’t miss out’.  Putting an ‘urgency’ with it, makes people take action faster.

Launching a new product, then share it. Maybe even offer an upsell product that would go well with the product.

TIP: Do not flood your newsletter with millions of images, it gets to overwhelming for your audience.


Feel like it’s all a bit hard and just want someone to create your branded newsletter for you. Guess what? I can, I am a Mailchimp expert and can create your branded newsletter templates, or automation series. Contact me today if you would like to know more.





6 ways to look after your existing customers

6 ways to look after your existing customers

As businesses owners we focus on growing our business and getting customers in the door. How we love a new customer!!! Then there are time when we are faced with the challenges of trying to gain more customers, and what we are forgetting and neglecting are our pre-existing customers. We most definitely should not be neglecting those amazing customers we already have.

Yes, focus on bringing in more customers. BUT don’t forget those that are already there and love who we are.

Perhaps you struggle with ideas on how to look after those customers. Here are 5 simple, yet very effective, ideas to help you keep those customer you have smiling and feeling loved.

  1. Send them a birthday message

    Today is my birthday and I received an email from Business Chicks wishing me a happy birthday and it made me feel great and loved!

  2. Offer a birthday gift or discount

    At the start of the month send an email to those on your mailing list who’s birthday is within the month, offer them a $20 voucher towards their next purchase. I received some from Kikki-K, Tony Bianco, Oroton and others. Yes, of course I went shopping, and I spent more with them.

    If you are in the wedding industry, then make sure you are marking those wedding dates so you an congratulate the couple, and touch base with them on their anniversary. For example: A wedding venue like  winery, send the couples that were married within the month an anniversary note and a complimentary champagne or monetary value towards a meal back at your venue. A couple is most likely to take the prompt to book a weekend away with their spouse, which would mean a returning customers and a happy customer to tell others about you. AND, if it’s a big anniversary, e.g.: 10 years, 20 years, 25 years…then offer something a little more and plant the idea of renewing their vows.

  3. A personal note

    Send your customers personal note advising of new products or services you have introduced they might love.

  4. A VIP night or event

    Customers love to feel special, so create a special event for pre-existing customers. Make them love you more!

  5. Discount or Loyalty Cards

    If you are a retail shop and you have customers visiting, create a loyalty card. Either points to be collected, or every time they make a purchase they get a stamp or mark towards a freebie. e.g.: For a hairdressers, each appointment get a stamp, and the 5th appointment get free.

  6. Referrals

If a client is referring others your way, why not send them a gift. For those who don’t have time to be running out to buy gifts and then post them, send them an electronic gift, like a book voucher.

What things do you have in your business to keep your customers coming back? I’d love you to share them below.