Are AI Chatbots Costing Your Business Customers?

Are AI Chatbots Costing Your Business Customers?

Businesses are looking to streamline operations, save costs, and deliver efficient customer service. One popular method many companies have turned to is artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. These bots are designed to handle a range of queries, offer quick responses, and theoretically improve customer experience by being available 24/7. However, my recent experience with Asana’s AI chatbot highlighted a critical flaw in relying too heavily on AI to handle customer interactions.

The AI Chatbot Loop: My Experience with Asana

While using Asana, I encountered a technical issue. Naturally, I turned to their customer support, which was run by an AI chatbot. At first, the bot seemed promising – quick responses and a vast knowledge of pre-set solutions. But when my problem turned out to be more complex, the chatbot got stuck in a loop, continually offering the same irrelevant solutions without any option for escalation. When I tried to register my email address for the next level of support, it kept failing, and then I was looped back around. Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue, I was left going in circles, with the chatbot unable to provide real help.

Frustrated and unable to find a resolution, I eventually gave up. I tried emailing via their website for support….and heard nothing back after 3 attempts. The AI chatbot, meant to save time and frustration, became the very reason I walked away from Asana. My trust in their service was diminished, and I wasn’t willing to waste any more time waiting for the AI to understand my problem. In the end, I moved to a new system that offered real customer support staff.

The Downside of AI Chatbots

Many businesses view AI chatbots as a cost-saving tool that can handle high volumes of inquiries at a lower expense than employing real human support agents. However, the downside to relying on AI exclusively can be significant:

  1. Lack of Personalisation: AI chatbots, no matter how advanced, follow programmed scripts. If the issue is outside their range of responses, customers quickly realise they’re not speaking with someone who understands their specific problem.

  2. Frustration Over Complex Issues: While AI chatbots may be able to handle basic inquiries (e.g., “How do I reset my password?”), they often fail to resolve more complex issues. When customers, like myself, find themselves stuck in a loop of automated responses, frustration builds.

  3. Lack of Escalation: One of the biggest issues I encountered was the inability to escalate my problem. AI chatbots are often not designed to easily transfer to human support, leaving customers without the help they need.

  4. Missed Opportunities: Businesses may lose potential customers by offering insufficient support. Just like my case with Asana, customers may walk away, feeling that their time isn’t valued.

The Benefits of Having Real Staff Over AI Chatbots

While AI chatbots can handle simple tasks, having real staff still provides a range of benefits, especially when it comes to customer retention and satisfaction.

  1. Empathy and Understanding: Human support agents can offer empathy—a key component when resolving issues, especially those that frustrate customers. Real staff members can assess the tone of a conversation and adapt their approach accordingly.

  2. Problem Solving Skills: Unlike AI, which works on pre-programmed responses, human agents are critical thinkers. They can navigate complex situations, ask clarifying questions, and find unique solutions tailored to a customer’s issue.

  3. Building Relationships: Real staff can build long-term relationships with customers by understanding their needs and offering personalised recommendations. This not only solves the immediate problem but can also create brand loyalty.

  4. Escalation Options: With human support, there’s usually an established hierarchy – agents can escalate issues to managers or specialists, ensuring the problem is resolved at the right level. This chain of escalation is something AI bots currently struggle with.

Finding the Right Balance

AI chatbots are useful for handling straightforward queries, such as FAQs or simple troubleshooting. However, businesses need to recognise that for complex or high-stakes customer inquiries, human intervention is still necessary. The key is to find a balance between automation and real human support. One solution is to implement AI chatbots as a first line of support, but ensure that escalation to real staff is smooth and accessible. However, make it easy for people to find that next level of support.

AI can be helpful….

As my experience with Asana’s chatbot demonstrates, while AI can be helpful, it has its limitations- particularly when customer issues are complex. Businesses need to consider the potential consequences of relying too heavily on AI for customer service. If the balance isn’t right, they risk frustrating customers, losing business, and damaging their reputation. At the end of the day, investing in real human customer support can not only resolve issues more effectively but also strengthen the relationship between the customer and the brand.

Giving your customers the ‘experience’, not just the service

Giving your customers the ‘experience’, not just the service

‘Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” Walt Disney

There is a big difference between customer service and customer experience. A customer experience is that memorable occasion that has them bragging about their experience, referring your business and returning for more.

Today, anyone can deliver customer service, but not everyone bothers to give his or her customers the ‘experience’.

So what is the ‘experience’ about? It is the little gestures. We often hear how people remember the simplest things, and how the simplest gestures can make a huge difference to someone’s day. It’s in the detail. Details can have a huge impact.

Here are 4 ideas you can incorporate into your business to give your customers’ the experience.


A handwritten note

Sending something to a customer such as a product or welcome pack, include a handwritten note. They never go out of fashion, and they do make someone’s day. It also show they matter to you, and are not just a number.


Email Responses

If you are always out and about, set up an email auto-responder advising your customer of when they can expect to hear from you, eg: ‘Thank you for your email, I’m currently attending to some errands and will respond to your email with 24 hours.’ This way they won’t feel like their hanging, or wondering if you ever go their email.


Thank you package

If you are a professional or coaching services when signing up new clients, send them a welcome/thank you package, make it about them but branded about YOU!   Or if someone is buying a service from you, include business branded lollies, thank you card, postcard, or token gift.


Birthday Cards

Send your clients a birthday card to let them know you’re thinking of them on their special day. There are online services you can use that will do this for you if you’re too busy to send handwritten notes. However I would recommend sending handwritten cards, just do them all at the start of the month and then post them at the relevant time. Image how touched your client will be when receiving them.

Psst….also a great way to remind past clients you’re awesome self is till there if they need you!!! (wink wink)


“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” Sam Walton, Wal-Mart


Profile them

If you are a service business that is seeing your clients get amazing results. Invite them to be featured in your blog or podcast, and interview them. This has two benefits, one your client feeling touched you want to share their success with the world, and two help increase your business credibility. With you and them sharing their interview on social media helps increase both parties exposure.

An important ingredient to remember is your customers are what keep your business going and growing! They are part of your revenue stream, and they are also your business advertising. An amazing experience has them talking, and the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact.


“If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.” Jeff Bezos, Amazon


What in your business do you think you could include as a customers ‘experience’? Remember this is something above your customer service.

Do you have any other ideas we could add to the mix to help each other out, post them below. We’d LOVE to hear.