6 ways to look after your existing customers
As businesses owners we focus on growing our business and getting customers in the door. How we love a new customer!!! Then there are time when we are faced with the challenges of trying to gain more customers, and what we are forgetting and neglecting are our pre-existing customers. We most definitely should not be neglecting those amazing customers we already have.
Yes, focus on bringing in more customers. BUT don’t forget those that are already there and love who we are.
Perhaps you struggle with ideas on how to look after those customers. Here are 5 simple, yet very effective, ideas to help you keep those customer you have smiling and feeling loved.
Send them a birthday message
Today is my birthday and I received an email from Business Chicks wishing me a happy birthday and it made me feel great and loved!
Offer a birthday gift or discount
At the start of the month send an email to those on your mailing list who’s birthday is within the month, offer them a $20 voucher towards their next purchase. I received some from Kikki-K, Tony Bianco, Oroton and others. Yes, of course I went shopping, and I spent more with them.
If you are in the wedding industry, then make sure you are marking those wedding dates so you an congratulate the couple, and touch base with them on their anniversary. For example: A wedding venue like winery, send the couples that were married within the month an anniversary note and a complimentary champagne or monetary value towards a meal back at your venue. A couple is most likely to take the prompt to book a weekend away with their spouse, which would mean a returning customers and a happy customer to tell others about you. AND, if it’s a big anniversary, e.g.: 10 years, 20 years, 25 years…then offer something a little more and plant the idea of renewing their vows.
A personal note
Send your customers personal note advising of new products or services you have introduced they might love.
A VIP night or event
Customers love to feel special, so create a special event for pre-existing customers. Make them love you more!
Discount or Loyalty Cards
If you are a retail shop and you have customers visiting, create a loyalty card. Either points to be collected, or every time they make a purchase they get a stamp or mark towards a freebie. e.g.: For a hairdressers, each appointment get a stamp, and the 5th appointment get free.
If a client is referring others your way, why not send them a gift. For those who don’t have time to be running out to buy gifts and then post them, send them an electronic gift, like a book voucher.
What things do you have in your business to keep your customers coming back? I’d love you to share them below.