BASIC Sales/Landing Page


SALES/LANDING PAGE – I have done everything, you just need to build my page. 

You’ve written your website copy, now you just need it designed.
Add in your call to actions, whether a sales button or register interest
Link it to your mailing list or payment system.
You will have 2 rounds for feedback and changes, so we can tweak the page to make sure you’re 100% happy.

Once you purchase your package you’ll be emailed a comprehensive questionnaire that will help me to understand your product, your brand and all the things need to make sure your page says exactly what you need it to say.
You’ll also receive a list of things needed from you to get the job done including login details to your website if you have one.
From there you’ll receive the first draft to review and send along with the feedback you have for us so we can make any changes you would like.
From there you’ll receive the new version of the page to review and offer more feedback if required.

This package doesn’t include domain names, web hosting etc.
I’ll be utilising your current systems for payment processing. If you don’t have that set up I will guide you on how to get that done quickly and without fuss.
This package is best for someone who already has a registered website, or a landing page platform. 



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