Effective audience management is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns. With Mailchimp, you have robust tools at your disposal to import and manage contacts, segment audiences for targeted campaigns, and create and manage groups and tags. This blog will guide you through these essential aspects of Mailchimp’s audience management capabilities, helping you optimise your email marketing efforts.

Importing and Managing Contacts

The first step in audience management is importing your contacts into Mailchimp. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Importing Contacts:
    • From a File: Mailchimp supports CSV, TXT, and Excel files. Ensure your file is formatted correctly with columns for email addresses and any other relevant information (e.g., first name, last name).
    • From Other Services: Mailchimp integrates with numerous platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Salesforce. Use these integrations to import contacts directly from your e-commerce or CRM platforms.
  2. Adding Contacts Manually:
    • Navigate to the Audience tab and click on “Add a Subscriber.” Fill in the required fields, such as email address, name, and any other custom fields you’ve set up.
  3. Managing Contacts:
    • Edit Contact Information: Update contact details as needed by clicking on the contact’s name in your audience list.
    • Remove Contacts: Clean your list by removing inactive or unengaged contacts. This helps maintain a healthy email list and improves deliverability rates.

Segmenting Audiences for Targeted Campaigns

Segmenting your audience allows you to create more personalised and relevant email campaigns. Mailchimp’s segmentation tools enable you to divide your audience based on various criteria:

  1. Basic Segmentation:
    • Demographics: Segment contacts by age, gender, or location.
    • Engagement: Target contacts based on their interaction with your previous emails, such as opens and clicks.
  2. Advanced Segmentation:
    • Purchase Behaviour: Segment contacts based on their purchasing history, such as frequent buyers or customers who haven’t purchased in a while.
    • Custom Fields: Use custom fields (e.g., interests, preferences) to create highly specific segments.
  3. Creating Segments:
    • Navigate to the Audience tab and select “Segments.” Click on “Create Segment” and choose the criteria for your segment. Mailchimp allows you to combine multiple conditions using “and/or” logic to refine your segments further.

Creating and Managing Groups and Tags

Groups and tags are powerful tools in Mailchimp for organising your contacts and creating more targeted campaigns.

  1. Groups:
    • Purpose: Groups are useful for organising contacts based on their preferences or behaviours. For example, you might create groups for different product categories, subscription levels, or event attendees.
    • Creating Groups: In the Audience tab, click on “Manage Audience” and select “Groups.” Click “Create Groups,” name your group, and add the relevant options.
    • Managing Groups: Assign contacts to groups manually or through import. You can also allow subscribers to choose their own groups via sign-up forms.
  2. Tags:
    • Purpose: Tags are labels you assign to contacts to help identify and categorise them. Tags are more flexible than groups and can be used for more granular organisation.
    • Creating Tags: Click on a contact’s name in your audience list and use the “Add Tag” option to create a new tag or assign an existing one.
    • Managing Tags: Use tags to filter contacts and create targeted campaigns. You can also apply tags during the import process by including a column for tags in your file.

Best Practices for Audience Management

  1. Regularly Clean Your List:
    • Remove inactive contacts to improve your open and click rates. This also helps avoid spam complaints and maintains a healthy sender reputation.
  2. Use Double Opt-In:
    • Implement double opt-in for new subscribers to ensure they genuinely want to receive your emails. This reduces the risk of spam complaints and improves engagement rates.
  3. Personalise Your Campaigns:
    • Use merge tags to personalise emails with the recipient’s name, purchase history, or other relevant information. Personalised emails often see higher engagement rates.
  4. Monitor Engagement:
    • Regularly review your email campaign reports to understand how your audience interacts with your emails. Use this data to refine your segmentation and targeting strategies.


Effective audience management in Mailchimp is the cornerstone of successful email marketing. By importing and managing your contacts efficiently, segmenting your audience for targeted campaigns, and creating and managing groups and tags, you can ensure your emails reach the right people with the right message at the right time. Implement these strategies to optimise your email marketing efforts and drive better results for your business. Happy emailing!

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